Sunday, January 8, 2012


And We made a promise of forty night' with Moses, then after him, you began worshipping a calf and you were unjust.
Then We pardoned you after that, so that you might be grateful. 
And when We gave the Book to Moses and Criterion to judge between right and wrong, so that you might be on right path. 
And when Moses said to his people, "O my people, you have do" injustice to your souls by taking the Calf, turn therefore towards your Creator then kill amongst your selves each other. That is better for you with your Creator, so He accepted your penitence. Surely, He is alone the most Relenting, Merciful.  
And when you said, "O Moses, we shall never believe you, until we see Allah manifestly, then the thunder bolt overtook you, while you were looking. 
Then We made you alive after your death, so that you might be grateful.
And We made cloud your shade and sent down on you Manna and Salwa, eat of Our good things, provided by Us, and they did no harm to Us, yes they had harmed their own souls. 
And when We said, "Go into this town, then eat freely there from wherever you will, and enter the gate prostrating and say, 'forgive our sins', We shall forgive your sins end it is possible that more be given to the right doers. 
Then the unjust changed the words beside that which had been told, so We sent down upon them a scourge from heaven, in lieu of their disobedience. 
And when Moses asked water for his people, then We said, "Strike this rock with your staff," atone, there gushed forth twelve springs therefrom. Each group knew its drinking place. Eat and drink of what Allah has provided and do not wander in the earth raising mischief.  

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