Monday, January 9, 2012


And the people of the Book spoke, 'None shall enter paradise, but he who be a Jew or Christian. These are their vain desires. Say, you 'Bring your proof, if you are truthful'.
Yes, why not, who submitted his face for Allah and is the doer of good, then his reward is with his Lord and they have neither any fear nor any grief.
And the Jews spoke, '`The Christians are nothing," and Christians spoke; "The Jews are nothing," though they read the Book. Even thus the illiterates said the like of their saying. Then Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgement regarding that wherein they are disputing.  
Who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned the name of Allah, and strives to ruin them, it was not proper for them to enter the mosques but with fear. For them, there is disgrace in the world and for them, there is great torment in the hereafter. 
And east and west all is for Allah, then whichever side you turn your face there is the face of Allah (The mercy of Allah inclined towards you). Undoubtedly Allah is all Embracing, all Knowing.
And they say 'Allah has taken unto Himself a son', sanctity is for Him. Nay, whatever is in the heavens and is in the earth is His possession. All are unto Him subservient. 
The Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees any thing, then says to it only, 'Be and it becomes at once." 
And the illiterates spoke, 'Why Allah speaks not to us or any sign is being given to us. Likewise said those before them, similar to their saying. The hearts of these people and of those are alike. Undoubtedly, We manifested the signs for the persons of firm faith. 
Assuredly, We have sent you with the truth; bearer of glad tidings and a Warner and you shall not be questioned about the inmates of Hell. 
And never the Jews and Christians will be pleased with you unless you follow their Din (creed). Say then! 'The guidance of Allah is the only guidance', (O listener who he may be) if you become follower of their desires, after the knowledge that has come to you, then no one will be your protector from Allah and no helper.


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